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奥斯陆大学挪威人权研究中心Gentian Zyberi教授在我院作学术讲座
作者:2024白菜网址官网大全网站        发布时间:2018-05-30        阅读量:
  5月29日下午,奥斯陆大学挪威人权研究中心Gentian Zyberi教授在555050注册大白菜青岛校区振声苑E206作了一场题为“The Contribution of the International Court of Justice to developing and interpreting international human rights law”(国际法院对国际人权发展和解释的贡献)的学术讲座。
  由于国际法院的案例法传统,Zyberi教授列举了大量的案件来说明国际法院在国际人权领域上的重要作用和贡献。其中1949年的科孚海峡案(Corfu Channel case)和1970年的巴塞罗那牵引公司案(Barcelona Traction case)奠定了国际人权法的基础;通过1950年到1971年非洲西南部的许多相关案件确定了人民拥有自决权(the right of people to self-determination);通过《种族灭绝公约》防止种族大屠杀;通过1950年的庇护案和1951年的哈耶德拉托雷案确立了人有获得庇护的权利;由1955年诺特博姆案(Nottebohm Case)、1979年美国驻德黑兰外交领事人员事件以及1998年至2012年间艾哈迈杜萨迪奥迪亚洛案(Ahmadou Sadio Diallo Case)确立了外交保护原则。

(文/吕启民 图/姜佳晨)

  Gentian Zyberi教授简介

  Gentian Zyberi holds a bachelor’s degree (LL.B) from Tirana University, Albania, and a Master’s degree (LL.M) and a PhD degree in International Law from Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Currently he is a Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Norwegian Center for Human Rights of the University of Oslo, Norway. Previously he has worked at the Amsterdam Center for International Law of the University of Amsterdam and the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights of Utrecht University.

  During the last fifteen years, he has done research, published and taught in the areas of international human rights, international humanitarian law, international criminal law and public international law at universities in the Netherlands, Norway, US, China, and Albania. His current research focuses on the contribution of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and other international courts and tribunals to interpreting and developing rules and principles of international human rights and humanitarian law, the protection of community interests under international law, the responsibility to protect doctrine, and transitional justice.

  His international law practice includes working as defence lawyer in two cases tried before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). Professor Zyberi has also served as legal adviser and coordinator of the Albanian legal team in a case before the International Court of Justice. He has provided legal advice on international law matters to States and an international non-governmental organization.

版权所有:2024白菜网址官网大全 - 555050注册大白菜 2012 All Rights Reserved


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版权所有:2024白菜网址官网大全 - 555050注册大白菜 2012 All Rights Reserved


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