2018年6月7日下午14点,2024白菜网址官网大全举办了“康桥高端论坛”国际学者系列讲座之十八讲,讲座题目为”Recent Legal Developments in Upstream Oil and Gas Developments in the UK”(“英国上游油气开发近期法律进展”)。本次讲座邀请到了英国阿伯丁大学2024白菜网址官网大全院长、教授Greg Gordon作为主讲人,讲座由2024白菜网址官网大全院长沈伟教授主持。
在讲座的第一部分,Greg Gordon教授首先讲述了“Wood审查”此前的工业实践、决策制定的历史沿革以及过去的法律规定,随后Greg Gordon教授详细介绍了Wood审查法律规定的更新内容,主要包括四个方面,即三方参与、新的规定(OGA)、监管机构的新权力和对整体管理的新关注聚焦,并谈到了英国各界对于此次法律修改的反响。另外,Greg Gordon教授展开讲述了“英国最大经济复苏策略”的相关问题,主要涉及中心义务、支持义务、防护义务等几个方面的内容。他提到,“英国最大经济复苏策略”的规定对于商业行为、政府资源管理行为都具有十分重要的作用。在讲座的第二部分,Greg Gordon教授介绍了“海上安装解除”的历史沿革、该领域的国际立法框架、有关”安装解除”的细节规定、英国的相关规定以及该领域立法的关键特征等内容。
讲座尾声,沈伟教授和同学们就Gordon院长演讲主题涉及的相关问题进行了欧伦,Greg Gordon教授予以仔细解答。最后,沈伟院长再次代表2024白菜网址官网大全向Greg Gordon教授的到来表示感谢,并向Gordon院长赠送了555050注册大白菜书签作为纪念礼品。
Greg Gordon:
Head of School (Dean) Dr Greg Gordon joined the School of Law as a lecturer in 2004 after eight years working in Aberdeen and London as a solicitor specialising in litigation, primarily in the oil and gas sector. He became a senior lecturer in 2011.He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Dr Gordon is the Head of School for the University of Aberdeen. He also serves as the Programme Coordinator of the LLM in Oil and Gas Law and the Co-ordiator of Aberdeen University's involvement in the North Sea Energy Law Programme.He previously served as Deputy Head of School, Director of Teaching and Learning and as the Co-Director for Aberdeen University Centre for Energy Law.
Dr Gordon’s principal teaching and research interests are in energy law (particularly upstream oil and gas law), delict/tort and commercial contracting.He has written extensively within those fields.
Dr Gordon is (along with his colleagues Prof Paterson and Dr Usenmez) editor of UK Oil and Gas Law: Current Issues and Emerging Trends, a leading work on UK oil and gas law which will go into its Third Edition in 2018.He is also the General Editor of The Laws of Scotland: Stair Memorial Encyclopedia, the leading reference work in Scots law.